Praise Him
May 20, 2019
Psalm 145:3 "Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom."
People can do some valiant things in life and as humans we do a halfway decent hob of giving them honor when honor is due. We award people medals for valor, for bravery, for achieving a victory. We even heap praise onto people for being so amazing, gushing about how wonderful they can be and the accomplishments they have put forth. We find value in them and make sure to express it. Sometimes we do this as a motivator, to continue to reward good behavior in an effort to solicit more good behavior. Whatever the reason, we give praise, making sure we have outlined the reason for the praise. Seldom do we praise people for nothing, however, making sure to express the logic behind the praise or affirmation.
But the Lord, He is worthy to be praised for reasons beyond human comprehension. In fact the Bible says we should praise Him just because, without even trying to understand why He is so worthy. People sometimes do good things that are worthy of praise, but the Bible says if a human is worthy of praise, then the Lord is MOST worthy of praise. You and I cannot even fathom the reasons why He should be praised, as in our brains are too simple to understand His majesty. He is majestic, every moment of the day, and yet we have trouble finding a reason to praise Him sometimes. Sure, yesterday He did a good thing for us and we praised Him yesterday, but today we are waiting for Him to perform, so we can praise Him today. No, He is worthy of praise everyday, despite our inability to perceive it.
To be more specific, we are required to praise Him. The Bible says it is our job to perform praise and give worship unto His majesty. If we cannot do it, then the rocks will cry out. It is our job to praise the Lord, as free-thinking rational beings if we cannot find a reason to praise Him then the lessor objects will be called up to replace you and me. That's right, your job is to praise Him and if you chose not to do your job then you and I will be replaced.
Whatever you are going through, whatever struggle, it does not warrant you sitting on the sidelines, folding your arms, waiting for the Lord to show up so you can praise Him. It doesn't work that way. He is not a human that you must find a reason to praise Him, to reward Him so He is motivated to do it again. He is beyond comprehension, yet you are still trying to match the praise with the purpose. There is no reason necessary, nor does one have to be given, and there is no time better than the immediate.
Don't take my word for it; look it up: Psalm 148, Psalm 150, Luke 19:37-40