Thursday, April 24, 2008

God the Healer

God the Healer
Jan 28, 2008

Psalm 103:3 "…and heals all your diseases."

Six years ago my wife was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The day I was told the stressful news will always be etched in my mind. We were told not to worry and that it probably wasn’t cancerous as it was only one of the slow growing kind of tumors. This did not abate my worry, however. My wife was not able to undergo any kind of treatment or surgery as she was pregnant with our first child; the only treatment available was prayer. We prayed, the church prayed, extended family prayed; we had everyone praying.

Many months later, after a routine checkup, it was found that the tumor was not in the slow growing family, but in the family of overachievers. It had doubled in size, was wrapping around her carotid artery, and pressing on her optic nerve. I was overwhelmed, not having a thing to do in an effort to fix the situation. But we prayed to the God who "heals all your diseases" and He listened. After over two years of having the brain tumor (and proof with many MRI ’s), the doctors could not find it anywhere, nor had my wife undergone any form of treatment.

Having been through that, I am aware and remember the power of the God who “heals all your diseases”. My two year old son was in the ER last week having an X-ray for some suspicious symptoms. They immediately rushed us to the children’s hospital and told us we would be meeting with the surgery team upon our arrival. On my frantic way to the hospital I recalled that God was the one who "heals all your diseases" and called upon my support system at church for prayer. We prayed, the church prayed, extended family prayed; we had everyone praying. The surgeons X-rayed my son again and told us that surgery was not necessary, the situation had almost completely resolved itself on the way to the children’s hospital.

It wasn’t the situation that had resolved itself, it was the God who “heals all your diseases.” If you need healing, God is the one who "heals all your diseases." It is interesting that the scripture doesn’t say He heals “most” diseases, but ALL your diseases. There isn’t a disease that He can’t handle. Having lived through this several times, I know it to be true; He is more than capable. If you need healing by the God who "heals all my diseases," please e-mail me and I’ll gladly add you to my prayer list. If you doubt that you can have this same healing, please e-mail me and I will forward you my wife’s medical file and let you see a picture of my smiling son.

  1. Are you, or someone you know, in need of healing?
  2. Isn’t it time you let Him heal ALL your diseases?

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